文型:〜を皮切りに / 〜を皮切りとして
"starting with ~ / beginning with ~ / with ~ as the starting point"
Used to indicate that something marks the beginning of a series of events or actions.
N + を皮切りにして
[JLPT レベル]
Often used in news broadcasts and events.
このゲームソフトは日本で記録的なヒットをしたことを皮切りに、英語版や フランス語版など各国の言語に翻訳され発売されることになった。
The game software, which achieved record-breaking success in Japan, served as a starting point for translations into various languages, including English and French, and its release in those countries.
Starting with the event in Tokyo, we plan to hold events in various locations nationwide.
His testimony served as a starting point for the successive revelation of problems occurring in the company to the public.
The film’s huge success served as a starting point, and the young actor began to be cast in various roles, including dramas and entertainment shows.
His hobby project app's success served as a starting point, leading him to release successive apps and eventually start his own company.