1. JLPT N4 Grammar Quiz
( )に なにを 入れますか。1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんで ください。
(1)を (2)で
(3)に (4)が
I heard a strange sound from the next room.
(1)か (2)は
(3)の (4)を
I don’t know where Mr.Tanaka is.
(1)ほど (2)ごろ
(3)でも (4)まで
I can eat anything.
(1)に (2)を
(3)のに (4)のを
It takes 1 hour to go to the office.
(1)が (2)に
(3)を (4)で
It was decided to hold the party next week.
(1)のに (2)ので
(3)のが (4)のを
Despite studying a lot, my exam score was bad.
(1)な (2)の
(3)し (4)ね
Why were you absent from class yesterday?
(1)し・し (2)や・や
(3)など・など (4)だけ・だけ
There is a spoon and a fork in the drawer.
(1)だけ (2)しか
(3)ほど (4)でも
My car is not as expensive as Mr.Tanaka's.
(1)まで (2)ので
(3)しか (4)ばかり
I will go to the supermarket for a while.
2. Vocabulary
たんご | いみ |
へんな | wierd |
おと | sound |
なんでも | anything |
かかります | to take |
てん | score |
じゅぎょう | class |
ひきだし | drawer |
3. Grammar
たんご | いみ |
Nがする | to feel / hear / smell / taste Used to express the notion that the speaker can perceive a sound, voice, taste, smell, fragrance or feeling. |
のに | to / for Indicate a purpose or utility. |
ことになる | something has been decided independent of speaker's volition. |
のに | in spite of the fact |
4. 関連書籍